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The Mountain Neighborhood has the greatest range in architectural design and house size. Most of the houses are close to downtown. Capen is a beautiful residence with an equally stunning flower garden. Gillett and Northrop house first-year students through seniors and both are home to vegetarian/vegan dining halls. Talbot and Lamont are larger residences, and Lamont has a gazebo-style dining hall. Cutter and Ziskind Houses, built in 1957 in the International style, were extensively renovated a few years ago.


Area Director

Area directors are residence life professional staff members responsible for the management of a residential neighborhood. Area directors are here to support students in their neighborhood at every level—they supervise the student staff members of each house, they’re available for individual students to talk to about any problems they may be facing, and are a general resource to house communities within the neighborhood.

Stop by and say hello—get to know your area director!

Rachel Kristoff

Office location: Ziskind House lobby

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